女儿闹脾气趴在超市地上 型男爸不怕丢脸只是「静静看着她」!


July 4, 2021


Facebook│Justin Baldoni



Facebook│Justin Baldoni



美国男星贾斯汀巴尔多尼 (Justin Baldoni) 过去就遇到了这么一个难题,他与父亲一同带女儿麦雅 (Maiya) 去超市购物时,女儿不只大闹脾气,还趴在地上赖著不走,引来不少人侧目。不过贾斯汀在脸书分享他的处理方式后,引来了10万名网友按赞叫好!


I tried to stay off social media yesterday to connect with my family without distraction so I’m posting this today. Emily took this in Whole Foods. It’s now one of my favorite photos ever of me and my dad. Two men, standing together in silence, forever bonded by an unconditional love for both each other and this brand new, raw and pure soul who we would both go to the ends of the earth for. I can only imagine how many times I did this when I was her age. My dad taught me so much about what it means to be a man, but this post is about one thing and one thing only. Being comfortable in the uncomfortable. Something I grew up watching him do with me over and over again. There are no perfect parents, but one thing my dad taught me is to not parent based on what anyone else thinks. My dad always let me feel what I needed to feel, even if it was in public and embarrassing. I don’t remember him ever saying “You’re embarrassing me!” or “Dont cry!” It wasn’t until recently that I realized how paramount that was for my own emotional development. Our children are learning and processing so much information and they don’t know what to do with all of these new feelings that come up. I try to remember to make sure my daughter knows it’s OK that she feels deeply. It’s not embarrassing to me when she throw tantrums in the grocery store, or screams on a plane. I’m her dad…not yours. Let’s not be embarrassed for our children. It doesn’t reflect on you. In fact.. we should probably be a little more kind and patient with ourselves too. If we got out everything we were feeling and allowed ourselves to throw tantrums and cry when we felt the need to then maybe we’d could also let ourselves feel more joy and happiness. And that is something this world could definitely use a little more of. #fathersday #redifinemasculinity #daddy #dearmaiya

Justin Baldoni(@justinbaldoni)分享的贴文 于 张贴



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Facebook│Justin Baldoni



23张证明「带小孩的男人超性感」的暖心亲子照 会让老婆吃醋的「看女儿眼神」!
19张「爸妈带小孩差很大」插画 爸爸「哄女儿睡觉」结局超爆笑



參考資料:Facebook│Justin Baldoni
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加入粉絲團! 女儿闹脾气趴在超市地上 型男爸不怕丢脸只是「静静看着她」!留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友