
为了减重,不少人尝试过很多方法,像节食、运动、药物等等。最近,名为「隔日禁食」的减肥方法在国外开始被采用。有研究指出,以这种方式限制热量摄入,实际上可能对我们减重有好处。但另一个研究则指出,这个方法不会比普通的节食好,而且更难维持。     在其中一个最

May 8, 2017


In one of the longest and largest trials of alternate-day fasting, researchers studied 100 obese adults for over three years. 


在其中一个最长和最大的「隔日禁食」试验中,研究人员花费超过3年研究了100名肥胖的成年人。实验对象被随机地分成3组:第一组是没有限制,第二组是每天减少25%的热量摄取,第三组是隔日禁食 (在禁食当天摄取热量需求的25%,在非禁食日摄取125%)。

The participants were randomly split into different groups and given three different diets: no restrictions on food intake, reducing calorie intake every day by 25 percent, and alternate-day fasting, which involved consuming 25 percent of calorie needs on fast days, then 125 percent on the "feast" days.



After a year, those participating in alternate-day fasting lost six percent of their body weight on average, while the daily calorie restriction group lost about 5.3 percent. Blood pressure and heart rate changes were not significantly different in the two groups either.



They also found that the dropout rate for the alternate-day fasting group was 38 percent, while it was a much lower 29 percent for the daily calorie restriction group. The authors said that many participants in the former group also changed their diets due to dissatisfaction by eating more on fast days and slightly less on feast days.



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分類:美食, 世界
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