
叙利亚城市Khan Sheikhoun在周三爆发毒气攻击,一名叙利亚父亲Abdul Hamid al-Yousef悲痛抱着在毒气中身亡的龙凤胎的照片让许多人心碎。在被拍下的影片中,他跪在发现妻子跟孩子身亡的地点心碎地不断重复:「我的宝贝,我的宝贝,他们如此美丽。」之后将他的孩子抱在怀

April 7, 2017

叙利亚城市Khan Sheikhoun在周三爆发毒气攻击,一名叙利亚父亲Abdul Hamid al-Yousef悲痛抱着在毒气中身亡的龙凤胎的照片让许多人心碎。在被拍下的影片中,他跪在发现妻子跟孩子身亡的地点心碎地不断重复:「我的宝贝,我的宝贝,他们如此美丽。」之后将他的孩子抱在怀中低声说:「说再见,宝宝,说再见。」

Agony: Abdul was pictured cradling the bodies of his dead twins after they were killed in the chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun, in the rebel-held central province of Idlib, Syria



Heartbreak: Disturbing footage shows Syrian father Abdul Hamid al-Yousef crying uncontrollably over the graves of his wife and two children who were killed in a suspected sarin gas attack this week



'My children. My children. They were beautiful,' Abdul, 29, screams in harrowing footage of his visit to his young family's graves. His friends have to hoist him onto his legs and wipe the tears from his face as he clings to the dirt around their graves



Grief: In a heartbreaking interview, Abdul told of how his relatives' homes were destroyed one by one in a series of suspected Syrian airstrikes - and the agonising moment he discovered his wife and children had died from chemical poisoning



Lost: Abdul scrambled from house to house to help survivors, never once thinking to go back to see whether his wife and children, who he left safely in the hands of a paramedic were okay. It was only later he was given the heartbreaking news that they had succumbed to a deadly nerve agent, believed to be sarin



Youssef holds his twins, who were killed in Tuesday's chemical attack.


在周三,Khan Sheikhoun的居民聚集起来埋葬死者,Abdul抱着他的孩子在土坑边哭泣的照片引发讨论。Abdul本人则解释:「我在哭,但那些是喜悦的眼泪。」他解释道,现在他的孩子与真主同在了,那比还在叙利亚好多了…

A photo of Youssef that circulated widely on social media.



Syrians dig a grave to bury the bodies of victims of a suspected toxic gas attack in Khan Sheikhun, a nearby rebel-held town in Syrias northwestern Idlib province

来源:Cnn │ Dailymail


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