
根據外媒報導,敘利亞北部由叛軍控制的城鎮Khan Sheikhoun爆發毒氣攻擊,據英國組織「敘利亞人權瞭望台」(Syrian Observatory for Human Rights) 統計,死亡人數到達72人,其中20人是兒童、17人是婦女,傷者及受毒氣影響健康者超過400人。   照片中這名絕望的父親Abdul

April 6, 2017

根據外媒報導,敘利亞北部由叛軍控制的城鎮Khan Sheikhoun爆發毒氣攻擊,據英國組織「敘利亞人權瞭望台」(Syrian Observatory for Human Rights) 統計,死亡人數到達72人,其中20人是兒童、17人是婦女,傷者及受毒氣影響健康者超過400人。

A devastated father has been pictured cradling the bodies of his dead twins after they were killed during the chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun, in the rebel-held central province of Idlib, Syria
照片中這名絕望的父親Abdul Hamid Youssef抱著雙胞胎兒女Ahmed跟Aiya。兩個孩子都死於這次爆發的沙林毒氣中,Abdul Hamid Youssef已經在週二的攻擊中失去了20個家人,而他也因為暴露於化學物質而住院中。



The children, pictured above, were among the 72 reported dead after Tuesday's chemical attack, which is believed to have been caused by the nerve agent sarin


戰機對杜馬、Kafr Batna及Saqba等城市進行空襲,並在週三 (4日) 空襲Khan Sheikhoun。空襲當時沒有平民傷亡,因為他們已經在之前就疏散了,沒想到後來卻爆發毒氣外洩事件。

The man, who has not been named, was seen sitting on the ground as he hugged his young children following Tuesday's attack. Renewed air strikes hit Khan Sheikhoun on Wednesday. No casualties were reported because the area had been evacuated following Tuesday's attack



Syrians dig a grave to bury the bodies of victims of a a suspected toxic gas attack in Khan Sheikhun, a nearby rebel-held town in Syrias northwestern Idlib province



International outrage is mounting over a suspected chemical attack that killed scores of civilians in Khan Sheikhun on Tuesday



 Up to 100 people have died from suffocation after a toxic gas attack in the town of Khan Sheikhoun, in the rebel-held central province of Idlib, Syria, early Tuesday morning. Pictured above, a child gets treatment at a hospital after Assad Regime forces attacked



Russia's defense ministry said on Wednesday that a poisonous gas contamination in the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhoun was the result of gas leaking from a rebel chemical weapons depot after it was hit by Syrian government air strikes. Pictured above, children in Syria following the attacks



An injured Syrian boy is being brought to Reyhanli State Hospital in Hatay, Turkey, to receive treatment after Tuesday's gas attack


Air strikes hit Douma, Kafr Batna and Saqba, a town in the Eastern Ghouta Region of Damascus, Syria, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Pictured above, a young boy receives medical treatment after attacks in the Kafr Batna district of Eastern Ghouta in Damascus on Tuesday


More than 30 people were injured and one was killed in an attack in rebel-held Douma on Tuesday. Pictured above, children in Douba wait for treatment following the attack


An Injured child receives treatment in a field hospital after airstrikes by forces allegedly loyal to the Syrian government, rebel-held Douma on Tuesday


Search and rescue team members, along with civilians, remove the debris as they try to locate survivors after Assad Regime's airstrike over residential areas in Saqba Town of Eastern Ghouta Region of Damascus, Syria, on Tuesday. At least four civilians, including two children killed and ten others were wounded in the attack


Volunteers wrote the  names of victims who could be identified on their shrouds after they were killed in airstrikes which hit the civilian areas of Douma


At least 11 of the 100 people who died in the chemical attack were children. Doctors treating victims at makeshift hospitals in the area say dozens of victims from Khan Sheikhoun are showing signs of sarin poisoning


A medical doctor going by the name of Dr. Shajul Islam on Twitter said his hospital in Idlib province received three victims, all with narrow, pinpoint pupils that did not respond to light. Pictured above, a Syrian child receives treatment following the attack


Some victims were foaming at the mouth following the toxin attack - a symptom of the poison sarin, which is used as a chemical weapon


People collapsed outside during the attacks on Tuesday, something that usually only happens when banned nerve agents are involved


A boy covers his face with his hands as doctors evaluate wounds to his legs and feet following the toxin attack on Tuesday




Sarin, which is made by combining the fluorine in sodium fluoride with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and phosphorous, is considered one of the world's most dangerous chemical warfare agents. Pictured above, a Syrian man receives treatment after an alleged chemical attack at a field hospital in Saraqib, Idlib


The government denies the use of chemical weapons and has in turn accused rebels of using banned weapons. Pictured above, a wounded kid receives treatment following the attach


Mohammed Hassoun, a media activist in nearby Sarmin - also in Idlib province where some of the critical cases were transferred - said the hospital there had been equipped to deal with such chemical attacks because the town was struck in one chemical attack, early on in the Syrian uprising Syrian activists said that makeshift hospitals soon crowded with people suffocating from toxins following the attack


Local reports quoted doctors saying the chemical could have been chlorine or Sarin, a colorless, odorless liquid nerve agent that's used as a chemical weapon


A man breathes through an oxygen mask, after what rescue workers described as a suspected gas attack in the town of Khan Sheikhoun


A Syrian doctor helped a boy following the suspected attack, which has been described as one of the worst in the country's six-year civil war


Idlib is regularly targeted in strikes by the regime, as well as Russian warplanes, and has also been hit by the US-led coalition fighting the Islamic State group, usually targeting jihadists. pictured above, a victim of a suspected chemical attack as he receives treatment at a makeshift hospital


A Syrian man is taken by civil defence workers to a small hospital in the town of Maaret al-Noman following the suspected sarin attack


People stand near a dead body, after what rescue workers described as a suspected gas attack in the town of Khan Sheikhoun in rebel-held Idlib, Syria

來源:Dailymail │ Ltn │ Udn


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