
1. 穆尔斯人女性在13岁开始戴上唇盘,代表她从女孩转变成女人。   2. 1910年,来自菲律宾民答那峨岛沿海的巴格博人 (Bagobo) 拥有被磨尖了的牙齿。 廣告1   3. 2008年,来自巴卡部落 (Baka tribe) 的俾格米人也有磨尖牙齿的习俗。事实上,磨牙在不同文化历史上也可以看

March 7, 2017

1. 穆尔斯人女性在13岁开始戴上唇盘,代表她从女孩转变成女人。

A woman from the African tribe of Mursi in Omo Valley, Ethiopia, displays her lip plate - an expression of female maturity and a signal that she is ready to bear children - achieved by stretching the piercing with discs of increasing size


2. 1910年,来自菲律宾民答那峨岛沿海的巴格博人 (Bagobo) 拥有被磨尖了的牙齿。

A member of the Bagobo people from coastal Mindanao in the Philippines displays filed teeth in a photo taken circa 1910


3. 2008年,来自巴卡部落 (Baka tribe) 的俾格米人也有磨尖牙齿的习俗。事实上,磨牙在不同文化历史上也可以看得到,有时候是出于阶级的问题,有时候则是想模仿动物。

A women from a Baka tribe of pygmies in the Dzanga-Sangha Forest Reserve, Central African Republic. Human tooth sharpening has been practiced by many cultures throughout history - sometimes for spiritual or class reasons, and in other cases to imitate animals


4. 缅甸「长颈族」藏缅语族少数群体克耶族的习俗,是让女性在脖子上戴上铜圈。女孩会在5岁第一次戴上铜项圈,随年龄长大后慢慢增加,而铜圈的重量会压到锁骨,造成脖子伸长的错觉。

Women from the Kayan Lahwi tribe in Myanmar start adding brass coils to their necks from the age of five, the weight of which pushes the collar bone down and compresses the rib cage to give the illusion of longer necks


5. 阿鲁纳恰尔邦Apatani部落的女性会在鼻翼上塞进木塞,使她们看起来比较丑,不会被其他部落的男性抢走。

Women of the Apatani tribe in Arunachal Pradesh, India, traditionally wore these nose plugs to make themselves look less attractive, and thus less likely to be  attacked or kidnapped by men from other tribes, though these days it's a dying tradition


6. 穆尔斯人女性的唇盘尺寸,会随着女性长大而增加,代表她已经准备好生育,是一个成熟的女性。

Another woman from the Mursi tribe wearing a lip plate and a set of cow horns atop her head. The more decorative her appearance, the higher her standing is


7. 穆尔斯人女性和她的孩子的合照,她在照片中没有戴着唇盘,但可以看到嘴唇因为长期戴着唇盘而变形。唇盘通常由粘土或木头制成,戴着来吸引丈夫。

This Mursi woman, pictured with her infant, is not wearing her lip plate but the gaping hole remains. Usually these discs are crafted from clay or wood and inserted to attract a husband


8. 这名非洲女子有很长的耳垂,以及用物品穿过嘴唇。

An African woman with stretched earlobes and a chunky lip piercing


9. 参加印度喀拉拉地区的普让节 (Pooram) 时,自称「神女人」的女子以矛刺穿舌头。

A self-proclaimed 'god woman' with a spear piercing her tongue participates in the Pooram Festival in Kerala, India


10. 54岁的艾夫纳 (Dennis Avner) 曾进行无数次手术,把自己整形成像猫一样的男子,被称为「神行猫」(Stalking Cat)。

Dennis Avner, also known as the Stalking Cat, was a Nevada man famed for his extreme body modifications who died in 2012 at the age of 54


11. 阿根廷男子佩拉塔 (Victor Peralta) 也曾进行无数次「改造」,他的身体有90%是刺青,做过分舌手术、扩耳、人体镶钻、植牙等等。

Argentinian Victor Peralta, who has 90 per cent of his body tattooed, displaying his split tongue


12. 2012年的泰国普吉岛素食节,虔诚的信徒通过自残和忍受疼痛的能力来表现他们的对宗教的热情。

A worshipper at the 2012 Vegetarian Festival  in Phuket, Thailand, where men and women prove their religious devotion by taking part in ritualistic self-mutilation and pain trials


13. 这名95岁的阿嬷是中国最后一代缠足的女性。缠足是以前上流社会女子所实行的习俗,为了对丈夫表示顺从。


14. 在印尼新几内亚Dani村,每当有亲人离世的话,女性就要切下她们的手指尖。

In Indonesia's Dani Village, New Guinea, some women like this one cut off the tips of their fingers when a relative dies


15. 苏丹艾卜耶地区,在传统仪式中男子会在额头上弄一些疤痕,并不去治疗它,让它们永久留在脸上。

A man from the Abyei region of Sudan with scars inflicted on his forehead - a traditional rite of passage which dates all the way back to early man


16. 在衣索比亚的奥莫河,一个年轻的女人用同样的方法在手臂上留下这些疤痕。

A young woman in in South Omo, Ethiopia, with scars on her arm


17. 在印度的那加兰邦,龙瓦村 (Longwa Village) 猎头者以杀死敌人、展示他们的头颅为乐。

The tattooed face of a former Longwa Village headhunter in India'a Nagaland. Until as recently as the 1960s, these headhunters took great pride in killing their enemies from other tribes then severing and displaying their heads

来源 : Dailymail


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