
1. 妈妈不幸在生产后死亡,乐观的爸爸于是计画与儿子到访不同的地方,完成妈妈生前的各种愿望。   2. 他做了很多计划、总是想为一个心爱的女人做这样的事情。但最后意识到,最重要的女性已经在他身边了。 廣告1   3. 同时扮演母亲和父亲角色的单亲爸爸…包括在Cosp

February 4, 2017

1. 妈妈不幸在生产后死亡,乐观的爸爸于是计画与儿子到访不同的地方,完成妈妈生前的各种愿望。

After the mom's death during the birth delivery, people helped the dad recreate recordings of the mom's lullabies for the baby.


2. 他做了很多计划、总是想为一个心爱的女人做这样的事情。但最后意识到,最重要的女性已经在他身边了。

He's always planned on doing something like this for a woman.


3. 同时扮演母亲和父亲角色的单亲爸爸…包括在Cosplay上牺牲一下!

Single dads play the role of both mom and dad.


4. 这位单亲爸爸每天都会为女儿创作温暖的插画。「爸爸,我是怎样出生的?是你画我出来的吗?」

This single dad makes heartwarming illustrations of his everyday life with his daughter.


5. 这位单亲爸爸为了帮女儿弄美美的发型,努力地到美容学校上课。

A single dad who couldn't do his daughter's hair.


6. 为了女儿的4岁生日,一位单亲爸爸第一次做蛋糕。

A single dad's first attempt at a cake when his daughter turned four.


7. 他在19岁的时候成为了单亲爸爸,但很可能是世界上最好的父亲。

A man who became a single father at the age of 19.


8. 和女儿一起变正变美的单亲爸爸。

Just a regular spa day with the girls.


9. 为了女儿的愿望,这位单亲爸爸尽力了!

As a single dad, you gotta abide to what daddy's little girl wants.


10. 在文艺复兴活动上,他成为了女儿心目中的仙子。

A single father and his daughter spotted at the Renaissance Festival.


11. 贴心的女儿知道单亲爸爸最喜欢绿色,因此努力地把所有绿色的M&M巧克力挑出来,希望慰劳工作了一整天的疲累爸爸。

This one's more about the best daughter to a single father.


12. 2年多前,女儿在一个人生转折点后做了这个「 ♥DADDY♥」(爸爸) 的手镯,从此手镯就没有再离开过他。

A bracelet his daughter made him a little over two years ago during a turning point in his life.


13. 当他成为了单亲爸爸后,学会了如何帮女儿绑头发。现在,他开始把这个技术教给其他父亲。

After he became a single dad, he learned how to do his daughter's hair.


14. 单亲爸爸尽力制作的圣诞树!

Sometimes as a single father during tough times, you just gotta try as best as you can.


15. 单亲爸爸送给刚入读幼儿园的宝贝女儿:

A single dad's gift for his baby girl on her first day of Kindergarten.


16. 当单亲爸爸被问到怎样刮脚毛时…只好亲自示范一次囉!

When you're a single dad and the day has finally come...


17. 当3岁小孩想要一个不是圆形的松饼时:

When your 3-year-old asks for non-circle pancakes.


18. 让女儿练习化妆技巧的单亲爸爸:

You're not a true single father unless you let your daughter practice makeup.


19. 当女儿要求帮兔兔洗澡时:

When your daughter asks you to give her stuffed bunny a bath.


20. 这位单亲爸爸很喜欢把女儿叫醒后自拍。

This single dad takes a daily selfie with his daughter right after waking up his daughter.


21. 单亲爸爸成为了第一个送玫瑰给她女儿的人!根本前世情人呢!

A single dad who got to be the first man to ever give his baby girl 2 dozen roses.


22. 机师单亲爸爸常常带着女儿一起到处飞!

Having a dad as a pilot has its benefits.

来源 : Lifebuzz


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