
1. 点点狗狗:   2. 每只都有独特颜色纹路的泰国斗鱼! 廣告1   3. 罹患黄病变的金刚鹦鹉,全身上下的羽毛几乎都是黄色的。   4. 身体两侧拥有双重颜色的鸟类。   这不是合成唷,而是原本两颗受精卵融合在一起,成为为一个个体生长的嵌合体动物(Chimera animal)! 廣告2

March 30, 2016

1. 点点狗狗:

This pup has a very, very cool spot pattern.


2. 每只都有独特颜色纹路的泰国斗鱼!

Betta fish can have intense, vibrant colors -- along with intense personalities.


3. 罹患黄病变的金刚鹦鹉,全身上下的羽毛几乎都是黄色的。

This macaw has xanthochromism, which means he has an unusually high amount of yellow pigmentation in his feathers.


4. 身体两侧拥有双重颜色的鸟类。

Chimeric animals have a mixture of genetically distinct tissues that arise from two or more fertilized eggs that fused together in the womb – which means they are essentially two twins that fused together into a single creature.
这不是合成唷,而是原本两颗受精卵融合在一起,成为为一个个体生长的嵌合体动物(Chimera animal)!


5. 就像下面这只狗狗一样,他同样是嵌合体动物,因此体内有两组完整的DNA基因!

Like all animals with this condition, chimeric labrador contains two full sets of DNA.


6. 罕见的银色球蟒!

You don't see something like the silver morph ball python every day.


7. 四肢与头部呈白色,但龟壳仍有颜色纹路的乌龟白变种,不是白化症唷!

Some would say this turtle has albinism, but he is actually leucistic: Some parts of his body have color, while others do not.


8. 孔雀白变种:

Like this peacock, who has partial leucism.



And this one, who has a smattering of blue across his breast.


10. 正常狮子 VS 狮子白变种。

Here, you can see two color variations seen in a pair of lionesses -- the one on the right is leucistic.


11. 有白变种,当然也有所谓的黑变种,就像是左边这只仓鸮。右后方那只则是正常的花色。

The opposite of leucism is melanism. It creates unusual coloration on an animal, seen here in this barn owl (the regular one is hanging out in the background).


12. 斑马黑变种:

Melanism effects zebras in a particular way: instead of a black shade covering the whole body, it only effects the width of the black stripes.


13. 松鼠黑变种:

Here, we can see a partially melanistic squirrel.


14. 罹患皮肤白斑病的洛威拿犬:

This amazing-looking Rottweiler has vitiligo, which affects the color of both his skin and his fur.


15. 罹患皮肤白斑病的德国牧羊犬:

Sarge is a German shepherd that also has vitiligo.


16. 狗狗罹患皮肤白斑病,虽然对生活上没有太大影响,但如果紫外线太强烈的话,可能会产生日光性皮肤炎(俗称晒斑)。

This guy has it too.


17. 纹路呈斑点状的斑马:

Not one to blend in with the crowd, this zebra has spots instead of stripes.


18. 猎豹的身上也可能产生这种斑点,不过它们比较像是雀斑。

This rare type of cheetah has tiny spots -- they're almost more like freckles.



And this cheetah is completely spotless.


20. 身上斑点连成块状的猎豹,又被暱称为「帝王猎豹」(King cheetah)。

The king cheetah is a rare mutation characterized by a distinct fur pattern. It’s been reported only five times in the wild since the 1920s, and was not photographed until 1974.


21. 这种纹路突变的野生帝王猎豹非常少见,自1920年以来,相关组织只接获了5次的通报,而直到1974年,人类才用相机捕捉到他们的画面。

Here's a regular cheetah compared to a king cheetah: The latter are much rarer and have a very pronounced combination of spots and stripes.


22. 纹路特殊的花豹:

This leopard has a particularly pronounced coat pattern.


23. Dunbar’s Gold 指的是皮毛有斑纹的马。

Dunbar's Gold is a peculiar type of brindle horse.



This gorgeous horse has some pretty odd markings, too.


25. 罹患斑状白化病的小鹿:

This deer has piebaldism, a rare genetic disorder that appears like partial albinism.



This piebald moose is definitely an unusual thing to come across.


27. 同样患花斑症的蟒蛇:

It's not just mammals, either: This is a piebald python.


28. 花斑症乌鸦:

And here is a piebald raven.


29. 这只花斑症海豚,又被称为「熊猫海豚」。

These piebald dolphins are also known as "panda dolphins."


30. 得到红化症的蚱蜢,红化症同样是一种基因突变疾病,通常这类昆虫动物都无法久活,因为他们身上鲜明的颜色容易引来敌人。

And finally, an incredible pink katydids with erythrism. Erythrism is a genetic condition that results in unusual reddish pigmentation of the animal. Most don’t survive to adulthood because their vivid color makes them more visible to predators.




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