
1. 你身体内的金属含量足够做出一只7.5公分的铁钉。   2. 人在听慢歌的时候心情会畀的平静是因为我们的心跳会模仿音乐的节奏。 廣告1   3. 每颗心脏都有自己的电气系统,只要心脏持续吸收氧气,那就算被移除身体之外也能跳动。   4. 我们心脏每一天都能制造出能让卡车跑

April 4, 2016

1. 你身体内的金属含量足够做出一只7.5公分的铁钉。

Your body has enough iron in it to make a metal nail 3 inches long.


2. 人在听慢歌的时候心情会畀的平静是因为我们的心跳会模仿音乐的节奏。

Have you ever felt calm while listening to a slow song? That's because our heartbeats mimic the music we listen to.


3. 每颗心脏都有自己的电气系统,只要心脏持续吸收氧气,那就算被移除身体之外也能跳动。

Each heart has its own electrical system, which means that as long as it receives oxygen, it'll continue to beat even if it's removed from the body.


4. 我们心脏每一天都能制造出能让卡车跑32公里的能量。

On a daily basis, our hearts produce enough energy to drive a truck for 20 miles.


5. 汗本身是没有味道的,身体的体味其实是来自于皮肤上的细菌。

Sweat is odorless, and body odor actually comes from it mixing with bacteria on the skin.


6. 如果我们的眼睛是一台数位相机,那么像素会高达576百万画素。

If our eyes were digital cameras, they'd measure at 576 megapixels.


7. 你的脚中的骨骼比例占身体的1/4,这代表那你的腿里的骨骼的排列会影响整个身体。

Your feet contain 1/4 of all the bones in your body. This means that the alignment of these bones affect the rest of the body.


8. 女人的心脏虽然比较小,但是却动得比男人快,就算在睡眠中也是一样。

Although smaller in size, a woman's heart beats faster than that of a man's, even while asleep.


9. 人的一生中平均制造出的唾液能装满两个游泳池。

The average person produces enough saliva to fill two swimming pools in their lifetime.


10. 人类一个小时平均会有600,000片皮肤脱落,累积下来一年的总重量可达0.5公斤。

Humans shed nearly 600,000 particles of skin every hour, which adds up to 1.5 pounds annually.


11. 人类清醒时大脑中制造的电器足够点亮一盏小灯泡。

Enough electricity is produced by the human brain when awake to power a small light bulb.


12. 我们的鼻子能记下约5万种香味。

Our noses can remember about 50,000 different scents.


13. 成人一天排出约1.42公升的尿液。

Adults excrete a daily average of 1.42 liters of urine.


14. 每个人的眼睫毛上都有螨虫。

Every single one of us have tiny mites called demodex living in our eyelashes.


15. 下巴的肌肉是人体全身最强壮的肌肉。

The masseter, or jaw muscle, is the strongest muscle in the human body based on its weight.


16. 没有科学证据能证实刮毛会让新长出来的毛变粗。

There is no scientific evidence supporting the "fact" that shaving leads to hair growing back thicker.


17. 睡眠非常重要。每天睡眠时间若少于7小时,有可能会缩短寿命。

Sleep is important. Getting less than 7 hours of sleep each night can reduce your life expectancy.


18. 我们的耳朵和鼻子永远不会停止生长。

Our ears and noses never stop growing.


19. 一生中,你的心脏送出的血液能装满200辆火车油箱。

In your lifetime, your heart will pump enough blood to fill 200 train tank cars.


20. 婴儿身上的骨骼比成人多60根。随着成长骨骼会慢慢融合。

Babies have about 60 more bones than adults. As we grow, some of our bones fuse together to form one.


21. 灰尘中75-90%的来源是来自人体脱落的皮肤。

 Wondering where all that dust comes from? About 75-90% of the dust in your home is your own dead skin cells.


22. 臀部较大的女性比较不容易罹患慢性疾病。但是也不代表会比原本就是健康体重的人还要更健康。

Women with larger bottoms are more resistant to chronic illnesses. This fact, however, isn't meant to be compared with those women who are at a healthy thin weight ( they're just as healthy).


23. 根据一份新的研究显示我们的大脑到了40岁还会继续发展。

According to new research, our brains continue to develop well into our 40s.


24. 每个人的舌头纹路都不一样,就像指纹一样。

Each of us have unique tongue prints, just as we do fingerprints.


25. 成人身体里的血管总长约16000公里。

 An adult human body contains about 100,000 miles of blood vessels.


26. 我们的眼睛能辨识出约1000万种不同的颜色。

Our eyes can detect about 10 million different colors.


27. 大脑使用氧气和血液的比例约占人体20%。

Our brains use 20% of all the oxygen and blood in our bodies.


28. 人体中含有700000000000000000000000000个原子。

 The human body is made up of 7 octillion atoms, which is a 7 followed by 27 zeros.


29. 有些人能闭气超过五分钟,是因为他们成功骗过了横隔膜。 

Some people manage to hold their breath for five minutes, which is made possible when we fool the diaphragm.


30. 每走一步路就必须用到200处肌肉,所以别认为走路不是运动。

With each step we take, we use up to 200 muscles, so don't think walking doesn't count as exercise.

来源:Life Buzz



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