
1. 柜子里加杆子,空间顿时多了一倍。   2. 只要使用贝果柔软的那一面,就能将多年累积下来的画上脏污清理干净! 廣告1   3. 用枕头套来清理天花板风扇。   4. 小朋友的玩具藏有无数的病菌,记得也让他们在洗碗机里被好好地清洗。 廣告2   5. 用蛋盒不但能够将酱料归类

March 7, 2016

1. 柜子里加杆子,空间顿时多了一倍。

Use a tension rod under the sink to double your cleaning product capacity.


2. 只要使用贝果柔软的那一面,就能将多年累积下来的画上脏污清理干净!

Clean your paintings with the soft side of a bagel to remove years of dirt and grime.


3. 用枕头套来清理天花板风扇。

Use an old pillowcase to clean your ceiling fan.


4. 小朋友的玩具藏有无数的病菌,记得也让他们在洗碗机里被好好地清洗。

Get rid of that "rebel scum" and countless germs by cleaning your kid's toys in the dishwasher.


5. 用蛋盒不但能够将酱料归类好、省空间,而且绝不会放过最后一滴酱料~

萤幕快照 2016-03-01 下午5.35.27


6. 只要用卫生纸巾沾醋轻轻擦拭滑动门下面的脏污,就能看起来洁白如新!

Wipe down sliding door tracks with a paper towel soaked in vinegar to have it working like new.


7. 用粗盐就能帮你清理掉所有铁锅上的脏污。

Remove tough food stains from cast-iron pans with coarse salt.


8. 用小苏打就能把咖啡污渍消灭。

Remove coffee stains with baking soda.


9. 柠檬最适用于清除浴室水渍。

Rub a lemon on your bathroom fixtures to bring back their natural shine.


10. 把餐具挂在墙上,再也不用怕需要用时找不到!

Use pipe straps to hang your utensils where you can get to them easily and they stay hidden at the same time.


11. 咖啡滤纸是清理电视萤幕的利器。

Use a coffee filter to clean a TV screen.


12. 稍微将一点伏特加喷洒在床上,跟细菌还有怪味说再见。

Spray a bit of vodka on your bed and the alcohol will kill the odor-causing bacteria.


13. 放几根小木杆在抽屉里,确保盘子都能正确归位~

Place pegs in your drawers to make sure your plates are in the right spot.


14. 木头上的水痕先用吹风机吹热,再用橄榄油擦拭掉即可。

Remove water rings with a hair dryer and a quick swipe of olive oil.


15. 用餐具托盘将家中成员的牙刷分别归位,再也不怕用错牙刷~

Use a utensil tray to keep family members from using the wrong toothbrush. 



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