
约翰 (John) 和艾琳 (Erin) 是住在德州奥斯丁的一对情侣,他们交往了一年多,但艾琳不小心听到风声说约翰要跟她求婚,所以约翰知道他如果带她去什么特别的地方玩,或是请她到餐厅吃饭,就会一秒破梗了。最后他决定别纠结「何时」求婚,而着重于「如何」求婚。   最后,

January 27, 2016

约翰 (John) 和艾琳 (Erin) 是住在德州奥斯丁的一对情侣,他们交往了一年多,但艾琳不小心听到风声说约翰要跟她求婚,所以约翰知道他如果带她去什么特别的地方玩,或是请她到餐厅吃饭,就会一秒破梗了。最后他决定别纠结「何时」求婚,而着重于「如何」求婚。

John and Erin are a couple from Austin, Texas who have been together for about a year and a half. Erin caught wind that John was planning to pop the question so he had to come up with a different way to surprise her. In his own words, "I knew that I could no longer surprise Erin with my proposal, because any trip to a location, or date night suitable for a proposal would immediately give away what I was doing.  Since I couldn't hope to surprise her with an 'inevitable' something, I decided I'd surprise her with the 'how' rather than the 'when,'  and so my idea for the Zelda themed adventure was born."


于是,有天艾琳跟朋友在Lady Bird湖畔散步时,约翰突然拿着这个写着「准备好去冒险了吗艾琳?」的牌子跳出来。

The day started with Erin Kayaking with her friend at Ladybird Lake where she encountered John with this sign.


接着约翰就被打扮成骷髅小子的朋友绑架了,要求50,000卢比 (萨尔达传说的金钱单位) 的赎金。

John was then kidnapped by their friend dressed as Skull Kid who left a ransom note for 50,000 rupees.


在Lucky Robot餐厅中,艾琳的朋友考验她玩「冷知识」游戏,问题都是关于她跟约翰的感情,每答错一题她就必须要喝一杯烈酒。约翰说她知道艾琳会全部答对,所以他故意安排陷阱,让她至少得喝下一杯烈酒。

At the restaurant 'Lucky Robot' Erin was quizzed on trivia about their relationship by her friends. For every wrong answer she had to take a shot of sake. John says he knew she would ace the quiz so he rigged it to make her take at least one shot. At the end of the trivia she was rewarded with a sword.



Along the way Erin collected rupees which John had made from resin.


12522987 10105140520477600 8914115935371130834 n This mans legendary proposal makes him worthy of the Master Sword (11 Photos)


12507089 10105140776469590 3912860053872330973 n This mans legendary proposal makes him worthy of the Master Sword (11 Photos)



12439039 10105140576530270 8325457330399014213 n This mans legendary proposal makes him worthy of the Master Sword (11 Photos)



12507214 10105140861000190 6526889526667952734 n This mans legendary proposal makes him worthy of the Master Sword (11 Photos)



The adventure ended on Rainy Street with a surprise engagement dinner. John had invited both of their families.



John popped out of the treasure chest (which he had built himself), saying, "It's dangerous to go alone, take this," and presented her with the ring. Of course, she said yes.


这么别出心裁的求婚真的好棒!可以想像两人跟亲友一定都超开心的~把这么温馨的求婚作战 (?) 分享出去吧!

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分類:世界, 游戏
加入粉絲團! 她有天跟男友出去时男友就立刻被怪物给绑架走了,接着她就看到桌上有3杯烈酒和一张纸条…留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友