
瑞典艺术家安德烈斯·英格兰 (Andreas Englund ) 一点也不想要画无聊的超级英雄,他决定让大家进入这位匿名超级英雄的世界,让大家看看超级英雄的老年世界其实也是可以幽默又有趣的。这一系列逼真的油画照片被取名为「变老的英雄」,虽然这些照片中还是有许多打斗、打击

July 21, 2014

瑞典艺术家安德烈斯·英格兰 (Andreas Englund ) 一点也不想要画无聊的超级英雄,他决定让大家进入这位匿名超级英雄的世界,让大家看看超级英雄的老年世界其实也是可以幽默又有趣的。这一系列逼真的油画照片被取名为「变老的英雄」,虽然这些照片中还是有许多打斗、打击犯罪的画面,但是却多了一点老英雄幽默与柔和的动作。


菲利普温德米勒 (Philipp Windmüller) 说:

在这一系列油画照中能看见老英雄人物温柔的一面,英格伦( Englund )试图让大家看看这位老英雄缓慢而稳定的老年生活,让他与观众产生零距离的互动,仿佛老英雄就活在观众的生活中,与他们产生联系。事实上,英格伦( Englund )想要利用这位超级英雄来强调老年生活的重要性,每一个人都需要面对自己会老化的这个事实。他认为,所谓的“完美生活”其实不会被年龄限制,即使人活到晚年也可以获得许多有价值的回忆,每个人在老年时一样能够有活力又充满干劲。英格伦( Englund )也希望大家记住,每一个年事已高的人仍然需要被他人认可与尊重。


The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor


The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor

The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor

The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor

The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor

The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor

The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor

The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor

The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor

The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor

The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor


The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor

The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor

The Life and Times of an Aging Superhero Captured in Oil Paintings by Andreas Englund superheroes painting humor



透过这样有趣又幽默的英雄式油画,英格伦( Englund )希望更多人正视老年生活的重要性!所有人都应该要期待并且接受渐渐变老的自己,这是一个非常重要的思想模式…请让大家知道!

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加入粉絲團! 这个艺术家画出超级英雄老了之后是如何打击犯罪的。这才是我最想要看到的。留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友