
1. 當他發現主人不是要帶他去公園。   (找死啊…小心我回家咬家具喔!)   2. 「原來把我玩具藏起來的是你!」的眼神。   (交‧出‧來) 廣告1   3. 當最愛的節目被停播…   (靈犬萊西…我今天看不到你了…)   4. 看得出來他不愛這件衣

June 14, 2015

1. 當他發現主人不是要帶他去公園。

When he finds out he is not actually going dog park.


2. 「原來把我玩具藏起來的是你!」的眼神。

When she finds out you've been hiding the hamster all along.


3. 當最愛的節目被停播…

When he realizes his favorite TV show has been cancelled.


4. 看得出來他不愛這件衣服。

When he hates the outfit you picked out for him.


5. 當他意識到自己不再是小狗狗時。

When she realizes that she won't be a puppy forever.


6. 他知道…夏天就要被剃毛。

When he knows when you did last summer.


7. 「有什麼好大驚小怪」的臉。

When she can't believe the nerve of some people.


8. 「懶得聽你解釋」的臉。

When he doesn't want to hear your sorry excuse for an explanation.


9. 「晚餐還沒好嗎?」的臉。

When you're late for dinner that she spent all day slaving over.


10. 當他發現你不會對他百依百順…

When he realizes that you'll never be the human he wanted you to be.


11. 過生日是什麼?可以吃嗎?

When he is made a fool of on his special day.


12. 當主人不小心把他遺忘在浴缸時。

When you left him alone in the tub even though you're not supposed to.


13. 「會不會開車啊!」的臉。

When he doesn't understand how you got a driver's license.


14. 當他覺得主人買太多水果時…

When she is sick of all your bullshit fruit.


15. 你為什麼沒先跟我商量要領養這麼好動的小傢伙?

When he doesn't care that it's sunny outside.


16. 好個充滿批判性的眼神…

When she is constantly judging you for being lazy.


17. 「幼稚耶…」的臉。

When he can't even handle how naive you are.


18. 當他發現床都被主人占滿時…

When he discovers you've taken up all the space in the bed.


19. 當他厭倦了每次都要提醒主人倒垃圾…

When she is tired of always having to remind you to take out the trash.


20. 當狗狗懶得理你時…

When he can't even muster up the strength to correct you anymore.


21. 當他明明已經生氣了…

When she's probably also a little bit mad.


22. 算了,我對你真的很失望…

When he knows he's better than you.


23. 看來他也同意這本書…《上帝對你感到失望》。

When both God and he are in agreement.


24. 當他發現主人根本沒丟球…




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分類:世界, 動物
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