
我们都知道中国某些地区的人们相当喜欢吃狗肉,而目前这个情形在中国并没有法律可以管制,只能倚靠民众和动保团体的努力、尽量地阻止贩卖狗肉的情形持续发生。   提到吃狗肉这件事情,就不得不提中国玉林市传统的节庆”狗肉节”了…在这个历史悠久的节日

June 2, 2015


Horrendous: The smell at a slaughterhouse just outside Dongkou (pictured) - where the internal organs of cats and dogs littered the floor - was 'offensive'


提到吃狗肉这件事情,就不得不提中国玉林市传统的节庆”狗肉节”了…在这个历史悠久的节日时,人们都会吃狗肉或猫肉来庆祝 (毛骨悚然),但在中国各地将近200万人的连署呼吁之下,终于靠舆论压力来迫使玉林市当地宣布「停止举办狗肉节」了!

The mass-transport of animals over long distances increases the risk of rabies and threatens the health and safety of the people who eat them


但一位来自”Humane Society International (HSI, 国际人道社会组织) “的秘密调查员Peter Li,在原定举行狗肉节的日子时偷偷前往玉林市调查,却发现…居然有上万只可怜的猫狗被运送到当地?!

Brutal: While in Yulin last week, the HSI investigation discovered hundreds of slaughtered dogs impaled on spikes and cats crammed so tightly into tiny wire cages 'they could not breathe' (pictured)



Inhumane: The investigation carried out by Humane Society International (HSI) found cats and dogs are still being brought to the city in wire cages which are so small some animals (pictured) die on the journey



Trapped: Once they arrive in Yulin, the dogs (pictured) are beaten to death before their meat is sold at the annual festival held on June's summer solstice



Business: With over a month to go before the festival traditionally begins, an HSI investigation found hundreds of newly-slaughtered dogs in the city on the market ready to be sold



No way out: And some of the cats (pictured) suffer such horrendous injuries on their journeys to Yulin from all over China, they can barely stand once taken out of the tiny wire cages



Cruel: An investigation fround one of China's bloodiest 'meat festivals' - where thousands of stolen cats and dogs are slaughtered - will still go ahead in the city of Yulin (pictured) even though the local government 'banned' it



Cruel end: And inside the unhygienic slaughterhouses, hundreds of bemused dogs await a brutal and painful death 



Shocking: HSI's expert Peter Li was so saddened by what he saw that he decided to rescue two dogs and two cats - one of whom (pictured) was wearing a pink collar 



Mistreated: After agreeing to sell the cat to Peter Li, the slaughterhouse worker hooked it by its neck (pictured) to place it in a wire cage for him



Hope: Peter (left) was so overcome by sadness at the conditions these animals were subjected to that he rescued two cats and two dogs (pictured)

来源:Daily Mail

这真的很令人难过…关于这些可怕至极的新闻,我们之前也有报导过类似的事件 (连结1连结2),如果还撑得住的话可以去看看…

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分類:世界, 动物
加入粉絲團! 中国玉林市宣布停办传统的「狗肉节」,但福利团体偷偷调查后却见到这令人心碎的一幕。留言按此 好友人數分享! 好友人數加入好友